Thursday, 11 December 2014

Feelings... what do people think? | IsThatEmily

So I decided to write a post about how I felt because recently I have felt very 'down in the dumps' so to speak at times. Although I have a lot of stress at school at the moment (I'm sure you'll all know what I mean on that one!) I seem to be getting down on how people think and what people think of me. I'm not really 100% sure where this post is going to take me, or how it is going to turn out, but I'll just go with the flow!

So who knows the feeling of having their mind completely consumed with what other people think? What other people think about your hair, your style, your make-up, who you else hang around with...? I'm sure you all know where I'm coming from. 

I feel like too many people are scared to be their-selves these days without the thought in the back of their mind that someone will disagree or that someone will pull you up for it. Personally, I am one to try and please everybody for many reasons but at the foremost (is that a word?!) it is just easier. It is easier when people don't shout, disagree and mock you.To a certain extent it is a great quality to think of others... 

But after pondering over this for a while I've realised you need to make the decisions which will better you and will make you a better person. Just because everyone else has something or behaves in a certain way does it mean you should? Not at all. 

At the end of the day, your experiences and choices are the things which shape you as a person. If you make the wrong decisions, because you are following others, and are afraid to step out and follow YOUR OWN HEART you are going to grow into a person who is a mere shadow of the person you really are.

I hope this makes sense and that it maybe helps to clear up any of your thoughts because it certainly helped to clear up mine! 

Remember you are a beautiful individual and you have a right to be here and to grab every opportunity you get and pull it close to you. Everything happens for a reason.

Emily x


  1. I totally know what it's like to feel super down, I swear I have so many good days, and then one bad day hits and it's like you'll never feel better again. I also believe everything happens for a reason, well I try to, Have a good day Emily!
    Tegan xx - Permanent Procrastination

    1. You too :-) thank you for the support on my blog, it means the world xx

  2. Hey! I think your blog is super rad, so I have nominated you for "The Versatile Blogger Award"! Don't feel obligated to join in, but if you do I would love to see what you post! Check it out here xx

    1. Aw thank you, I will check it out now xx

  3. I think I know what you mean. I'm personally a people pleaser too, just doing what I hope people will judge as a good thing. But lately I know I've wanted to be more my own person, and I've learned that people tend to accept you either way. So yeah, don't become a mere follower, a shadow. I really like this post. You should write more like it. New follower xx

    The Life of Little Me

  4. Thank you so much, your comment mean the world. I'm reall py happy to know that you enjoyed my post :-)
    Emily xx
