Just to explain, I have had a very busy few weeks, what with back to school and it has also been my birthday! But without any further ado, lets get into today's post!
I was nominated for the Liebster award by Rachel from Shots of Sparkle - thank you for the nomination. :-)
So, the rules for the Liebster Award are:
1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 blogs with under 200 followers.
4. Link your nominees to your post.
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. Let your nominees know that you have nominated them.
11 Random Facts About Me:
1. I play the cello and this year is my seventh year of playing it!
2. My favourite TV programme is Air Crash investigation and I also absolutely love the series 'Pan Am' which is all about air hostesses in the 1960's.
3. For my GCSE options, I am taking History, French and Geography plus an extra class which is BTEC in performing arts.
4. My favourite make-up brand is Benefit, I haven't tried anything from there which I do not like!
5. When I go clothes shopping, I always seem to subconsciously pick out black and white clothes and I really need to venture out of it!
6. One day I would love to study/work in a different country especially the USA or Australia.
7. I used to dance En Pointe, but I have up dance so I could concentrate on drama and singing more.
8. I am 5 ft 3 and one of the smaller people that I know!
9. I love cats, and my cat is ages 2 and called Tom.
10. I was featured in the Slammer which is a cbbc programme in December 2013!
11. When I was little I used to be scared of buttons and would never want to wear anything with buttons on.
Questions from Rachel:
1. What cheers you up?
When I'm having a bad day, my family and friends cheer me up. But you also can't go wrong with a chocolate (or KFC) and some YouTube ;)
2. What are you most proud of?
I am proud of getting placed in my drama festivals. Which is where you perform in front of about 30 people by yourself and are up against between 5-25 people.
3. What did you so for your last birthday?
Well it was actually my birthday yesterday and I went shopping in Liverpool and out for a meal. But last year I went to Alton Towers.
4. What is your favourite book?
My favourite books are the confessions of a shopaholic books by Sophie Kinsella, but I also love the Fault in Our Stars by John Green - who doesn't love a bit of John Green?
5. What is your favourite joke?
I don't have a favourite joke really, but my sister's is 'Why do you take two pairs of trousers to golf? - In case you get a hole in one'? If that counts?
6. Day time or night time?
I love winter nights because they are so cosy and you can light candles and sit by the fire which is fab. Although I have to say I love long warm summer days.
7. White chocolate or dark?
I have to say I really don't like dark chocolate, but I love both white and milk. So the answer to that would be white chocolate.
8. What is your favourite and least favourite word?
I really don't like the word belly and I also don't like the word banter - no offence to anybody who says those! I don't really have a favourite I suppose I like the word harmony because it is peaceful and it just reminds me of a holiday or a spa.
9. Are you a glass half empty or a glass half full sort of person?
I would like to think that I am a glass half full person. I don't think you can afford to be a glass half empty person because life is too short to be worrying about time or amounts... if that makes sense?
10. Favourite TV programme?
I loved the show Pan Am because I am in love with the 1960s beauty and air hostesses and everything. But as there is only one season of that I also like air crash investigation.
11. Favourite animal?
I have always loved dolphins because I think they show freedom and they are sort of magical. But I also love cats.
Who do I nominate?
9. aspeaks.com
10. girlvsglobe.com
11. pamelasendee.com
What are my questions?
1. What are you most excited about for autumn/winter?
2. Which month is your birthday in?
3. Do you like candles and if so which is your favourite scent?
4. What is your favourite quote?
5. What convinced you to start a blog?
6. Do you have any pets?
7. Favourite colour?
8. Would you describe your style as girly or edgy?
9. What is your favourite type of chocolate?
10. What is your favpurite place which you have visited?
11. Do you speak another language?
Bye for now,
Emily x