Thursday, 11 December 2014

Feelings... what do people think? | IsThatEmily

So I decided to write a post about how I felt because recently I have felt very 'down in the dumps' so to speak at times. Although I have a lot of stress at school at the moment (I'm sure you'll all know what I mean on that one!) I seem to be getting down on how people think and what people think of me. I'm not really 100% sure where this post is going to take me, or how it is going to turn out, but I'll just go with the flow!

So who knows the feeling of having their mind completely consumed with what other people think? What other people think about your hair, your style, your make-up, who you else hang around with...? I'm sure you all know where I'm coming from. 

I feel like too many people are scared to be their-selves these days without the thought in the back of their mind that someone will disagree or that someone will pull you up for it. Personally, I am one to try and please everybody for many reasons but at the foremost (is that a word?!) it is just easier. It is easier when people don't shout, disagree and mock you.To a certain extent it is a great quality to think of others... 

But after pondering over this for a while I've realised you need to make the decisions which will better you and will make you a better person. Just because everyone else has something or behaves in a certain way does it mean you should? Not at all. 

At the end of the day, your experiences and choices are the things which shape you as a person. If you make the wrong decisions, because you are following others, and are afraid to step out and follow YOUR OWN HEART you are going to grow into a person who is a mere shadow of the person you really are.

I hope this makes sense and that it maybe helps to clear up any of your thoughts because it certainly helped to clear up mine! 

Remember you are a beautiful individual and you have a right to be here and to grab every opportunity you get and pull it close to you. Everything happens for a reason.

Emily x

Sunday, 23 November 2014

Autumn/Winter Essentials 2014

Hi everyone!

Today I'm going to be sharing some of my Autumn/Winter favourites with you. I'm not sure about you but I love how cosy Autumn and Winter are - especially in the lead up to Christmas. Only 31 days left not that I'm counting or anything...

I absolutely love wearing dark lip colours in the Autumn/Winter Season. In my opinion a dark lip can just top off a outfit. This dark pink/red has been one of my favourites this season.

Another must have for this season is a winter coat. My current favourite is this parka which I have been wearing all of the time. It is also perfect for school on those cold mornings.

My next essential is boots. Above are my Timberlands and Doc Martens which I am absolutely in love with. These pair up perfectly with jeans and a jumper and you're good to go!

My last essential is candles. I love to burn candles in the winter because it's just so cosy! Obviously I haven't gone for particularly autumnal scents (pineapple cilantro) but I prefer fruity scents.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I am currently planning some Christmas posts so watch this space! 

Bye for now, 
Emily x

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Halloween Decorations

Hi guys! I know it was Halloween last night but I thought I would share with you some of the decorations which We had last night. They have all been bought over separate years from various different places.

Sorry for the very short post, but I really wanted to have a Halloween related post up. I will definitely be back with a normal post soon though. Thankyou for reading!

Bye for now,
Emily x


Tuesday, 28 October 2014

My Current Skincare Routine!

Hi guys! Today I'm going to be telling you about my current skincare routine. This has been my routine for a while and these products definitely help me to keep my skin looking healthy and youthful. If it helps, I have relatively dry skin, especially around my chin and nose. 

On a daily basis I use this 'Neutrogena Spot Stress Control' scrub, which you can buy here. It definitely helps to clear away spots and leaves my skin feeling refreshed. Although sometimes I use my Sonya Deep Cleansing Exfoliating Scrub which is slightly more expensive and is designed to be used around twice weekly.

Every morning and evening (preferably - if I'm not too lazy!) I will tone my face using this Simple Soothing Toner, which just helps to remove any left-over bits of makeup and prepares for a moisturizer. It is very natural and soothing as it has a neutral pH level. 

I use this No.7 moisturizer most evening before I go to bed. Obviously, it helps to keep the skin hydrated and soft. I fund that this particular moisturizer melts nicely into the skin, but it quite heavy - seen as though it is a night cream. I have found that this helps to clear up my dry skin which is around my nose and chin also which is a definite plus!

Finally, I use this T-Zone 'Spot Zapping Gel'. Basically, it does what it says on the tube and it helps to speed up spots clearing away. It does sting on application, but I have found that it works wonders. I actually picked this up for a pound in pound-stretcher, but I think I have a deal as it works really well!

I hope this post was useful to you and that you enjoyed it. If you have any other questions, please feel free to ask below and I will try my best to get back to you ASAP. 

Bye for now,
Emily x

Monday, 15 September 2014

Liebster Award!

Just to explain, I have had a very busy few weeks, what with back to school and it has also been my birthday! But without any further ado, lets get into today's post!

I was nominated for the Liebster award by Rachel from Shots of Sparkle - thank you for the nomination. :-)

So, the rules for the Liebster Award are:

1. Post 11 facts about yourself.
2. Answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you.
3. Nominate 11 blogs with under 200 followers.
4. Link your nominees to your post.
5. Create 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
6. Let your nominees know that  you have nominated them.

11 Random Facts About Me:

1.  I play the cello and this year is my seventh year of playing it!
2. My favourite TV programme is Air Crash investigation and I also absolutely love the series 'Pan Am' which is all about air hostesses in the 1960's.
3. For my GCSE options, I am taking History, French and Geography plus an extra class which is BTEC in performing arts.
 4. My favourite make-up brand is Benefit, I haven't tried anything from there which I do not like!
5. When I go clothes shopping, I always seem to subconsciously pick out black and white clothes and I really need to venture out of it!
6. One day I would love to study/work in a different country especially the USA or Australia.
7. I used to dance En Pointe, but I have up dance so I could concentrate on drama and singing more.
8. I am 5 ft 3 and one of the smaller people that I know!
9. I love cats, and my cat is ages 2 and called Tom.
10. I was featured in the Slammer which is a cbbc programme in December 2013!
11. When I was little I used to be scared of buttons and would never want to wear anything with buttons on.

Questions from Rachel:

1. What cheers you up?
When I'm having a bad day, my family and friends cheer me up. But you also can't go wrong with a chocolate (or KFC) and some YouTube ;)
2. What are you most proud of? 
I am proud of getting placed in my drama festivals. Which is where you perform in front of about 30 people by yourself and are up against between 5-25 people.
3. What did you so for your last birthday?
Well it was actually my birthday yesterday and I went shopping in Liverpool and out for a meal. But last year I went to Alton Towers.
4. What is your favourite book? 
My favourite books are the confessions of a shopaholic books by Sophie Kinsella, but I also love the Fault in Our Stars by John Green - who doesn't love a bit of John Green?
5. What is your favourite joke?
I don't have a favourite joke really, but my sister's is 'Why do you take two pairs of trousers to golf? - In case you get a hole in one'? If that counts?
6. Day time or night time?
I love winter nights because they are so cosy and you can light candles and sit by the fire which is fab. Although I have to say I love long warm summer days.
7. White chocolate or dark?
I have to say I really don't like dark chocolate, but I love both white and milk. So the answer to that would be white chocolate.
8. What is your favourite and least favourite word?
I really don't like the word belly and I also don't like the word banter - no offence to anybody who says those! I don't really have a favourite I suppose I like the word harmony because it is peaceful and it just reminds me of a holiday or a spa.
9. Are you a glass half empty or a glass half full sort of person?
I would like to think that I am a glass half full person. I don't think you can afford to be a glass half empty person because life is too short to  be worrying about time or amounts... if that makes sense?
10. Favourite TV programme?
I loved the show Pan Am because I am in love with the 1960s beauty and air hostesses and everything. But as there is only one season of that I also like air crash investigation.
11. Favourite animal?
I have always loved dolphins because I think they show freedom and they are sort of magical. But I also love cats.

Who do I nominate?

What are my questions?

1. What are you most excited about for autumn/winter?
2. Which month is your birthday in?
3. Do you like candles and if so which is your favourite scent?
4. What is your favourite quote?
5. What convinced you to start a blog?
6. Do you have any pets?
7. Favourite colour?
8. Would you describe your style as girly or edgy?
9. What is your favourite type of chocolate?
10. What is your favpurite place which you have visited?
11. Do you speak another language?

Bye for now,
Emily x

Saturday, 30 August 2014

What's in my bag - school edition!

Although I have only just recently done a what's in my bag for the airport, as I will be going back to school next week, I thought that this post would be very fitting! On a side note, I am hoping to keep up to date with my blog when school starts back, but I will have to see how that goes and possibly change my schedule. Anyways, without any further ado here's what I have in my school bag!

My bag is the Earnshaw backpack from Jack Wills and you can view it online here. I think backpacks are perfect for school as you can fit everything in and in my opinion they are more convenient than side bags. I am in love with the style of this bag and I have been loving floral themes recently. 

 In the front compartment of my bag, I am going to keep my phone (my case is from Turkey as I can never find Victoria's Secret Pink cases for the s4 mini in the UK). I also have some hair ties - for PE, a hand sanitizer, a baby lips and a tangle teezer. I don't bring make-up to school as I can never honestly be bothered to top it up! I will also put in my locker and house keys and headphones before I go back to school, but I forgot to put them into the photograph.

Going into the main compartment, the first thing you will see are my folder and notebook. This red notebook from tesco has five dividers which I have labeled for my options and also core GCSE's like maths, english etc.. I will probably use this to organise revision and notes for each subject. 

My pencil case is from Ted Baker (you can view it online here) and I already had this as a makeup bag, but it works great for a pencil case too! I have just taken out a few random things which I keep in my pencil case, but I just have the essentials - pens, highlighters, pencils, glue etc....

Finally, I just have my scientific calculator and dictionaries. I have Welsh, French and English as I m taking three languages this year - am I crazy?! I would also have an umbrella and my planner (agenda), but I do not get this until we actually start back to school which is next week for me. 

I hope you enjoyed this post and maybe picked up a few ideas for what to take in your school bag, but obviously I have just covered the essentials here. This will be my first year of GCSE's so I'm still quite new to them and if anyone has advice for year 10 I would love to hear from you in the comments below. Don't forget to follow me on bloglovin' as I really appreciate it and am almost at 50 followers!

Bye for now,
Emily x

Monday, 25 August 2014

OOTN - Meal in Turkey

Hi! I'm not sure if I will manage to get this post up but if you're reading then I guess I did! As I'm away in Turkey I'm just back with a quick post today.

This evening I went for an Italian meal. I am wearing my topshop striped dress which has a triangular shaped cut-out in the back. My necklace is from Miss Selfridge. I have really been loving statement necklaces recently as they can really dress up an outfit.

My black sandals are from office and the anklet is from a shop in Turkey and I have been wearing it all of the time.

Thankyou for reading this post. As always I would love to hear from you in the comments section below.
Bye for now,
Emily x 

Saturday, 23 August 2014

This or That Beauty Tag!

Hi guys! So right now I am away on holiday in Turkey and this post has been scheduled to make sure I have posts over this weekend. As I haven't really done any chatty/tag posts before I have decided to do the this or that beauty tag! I hope you enjoy this as it is a bit of a different post that what I would usually do.


Blush or Bronzer ♥ Blush
Lip gloss or Lipstick ♥ Lipstick - as you can get lipsticks which are more on the glossy side.
Eye liner or Mascara ♥ Mascara.
Foundation or Concealer ♥ This is a hard one but probably concealer because I use  it pretty much everyday. 
Neutral or Color Eye Shadow ♥ Neutral - Naked 2.
Pressed or Loose Eye Shadows ♥ Pressed because I would spill the loose ones! 
Brushes or Sponges ♥ Brushes because you can use them for most things.


OPI or China Glaze ♥ OPI
Long or Short ♥ Long
Acrylic or Natural ♥ Natural 
Brights or Darks ♥ Bright
Flower or No Flower ♥ No flower....?


Perfume or Body Splash ♥ Perfume - Marc Jacobs!
Lotion or Body Butter ♥ Body Butter - especially soap & glory or body shop. 
Body Wash or Soap ♥ Body Wash 
Lush or other bath company  ♥ Lush closely followed by soap & glory

Jeans or Sweat Pants ♥ Jeans 
Long Sleeve or Short ♥ Short
Dresses or Skirts ♥ Dresses
Stripes or Plaid ♥ Hmm... probably stripes 
Flip Flops or Sandals  ♥ Flip Flops
Scarves or Hats ♥ Scarves 
Studs or Dangly Earrings ♥ Studs 
Necklaces or Bracelets  ♥ Necklaces
Heels or Flats  ♥ Flats - because I'm not great at walking in heels, to say the least!
Cowboy boots or Riding boots ♥ I don't own either, but probably riding boots? 
Jacket or Hoodie ♥ Jacket  
Forever 21 or New Look  ♥ Forever 21
Abercombie or Hollister ♥ Hollister 
Miss Selfridge or Topshop ♥ Topshop


Bun or Ponytail ♥ Bun 
Bobby pins or Butterfly clips  ♥ Bobby Pins
Hair spray or Gel  ♥ Hair Spray
Long or Short  ♥ Can I say medium?
Light or Dark  ♥ Light suits me better personally so it has to be light.
Side fringe or Full fringe ♥ Hmm... Can I say no fringe? 
Up or Down  ♥ Down
Curly or Straight  ♥ Straight - my natural hair


Rain or Shine ♥ Shine
Summer or Winter  ♥ Summer - it's nearly over :'(
Autumn or Spring ♥ Autumn - because my birthday is in September
Chocolate or Vanilla  ♥ ♥♥♥Chocolate♥♥♥
East coast or West coast ♥ I would have to say West Coast because I love LA 

Thank you for reading. As this tag was originally from the USA I have changed some of the questions to suit the UK better. I'm not sure if there will be a post up on Monday, as I will still be away on holiday, but I will try my best to get one up or schedule one for you guys! Make sure to leave any post suggestions below in the comments, as I would love to hear from you guys!

Bye for now,
Emily ♥

Monday, 18 August 2014

What's in my carry on bag for the plane?

Hi guys! 
The time is almost here for my holiday so today I will be showing you guys what I take in my carry-on/hand luggage bag for the plane when I go on away. I love the feeling of packing my bags and case to go away just as much as I did when I was a little kid!

As you can see from the image above, the bag which I will be using is a Jack Wills backpack. I believe I bought it in 2012 and unfortunately is not available anymore. I am using a backpack style bad as it is convenient and fits everything in. I have used a pink Jack Wills luggage tag, which has my personal details on, in case my bag gets lost - which knowing me could easily happen!

I have packed cosy socks (is that what they are called?) as I have bad circulation and my feet get very cold. For the same purpose I have a hoodie and I have also decided to bring this cushion thing - which is one of those squishy ones which you buy at the airport and the road services. As you can see, I am clearly not very good at describing things!

Inside my make-up bag I am taking some pressed powder, mascara, concealer and a baby lips in case I need to touch up my make-up before landing. I have also decided to take a compact mirror, some hand sanitizer (which believe me - always comes in handy), a travalo sized perfume, my tangle teezer and some make-up removing wipes. I don't take too much makeup onto the plane with me as I don't want to go overboard with heavy make-up.

For electrics, I will be taking the above items. My beats are perfect for listening to music and canceling out the noise in the cabin. I also have my kindle which is very convenient as I do not have to carry around heavy books. In addition I have my phone and my charger because I am a bit OCD with my phone being charged.

I am taking this purse from primark which was a bargain at about £3! I also have my sunglasses which are a ray ban-esque style and are from a market in Southern France. Finally i have my iPod touch and my passport.

Thank you for reading this post. I hope you enjoyed and if you would like to see any other holiday themed posts, make sure to comment any suggestions below as I would love to know which posts you would like to see. 

Bye for now,
Emily ♥

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Review - Benefit Erase Paste Brightening Concealer

Hi guys! So today I'm back with another blog post which (as I am sure you can tell from the title) is a review on Benefit's Erase Paste Concealer. I picked up this concealer from Boots for £20.50, which is relatively expensive  for a concealer, but I had not yet found a concealer which I really like from the drugstore so I decided to try a higher - end concealer.

I picked up this concealer in shade number one, as recommended by the Benefit staff at the counter in boots. Concealer for the under-eye circles should be a slightly lighter shade than your skin/foundation so that it will brighten up your under-eyes. The salmon coloured undertones in the concealer cancel out the purple tones in under-eye circles in order to camouflage and correct them which is perfect when you have had a late night (which is very regularly for me!) or just need some extra coverage.

The consistency of the concealer is very creamy and provides very high coverage for the both under-eye circles and blemishes. I only picked this product up about 3 weeks ago, but a little bit definitely goes a long way! As I have slightly dry skin on my face, this product is very hydrating. Although a disadvantage to this formulation is that if it is not set with a powder, it does tend to crease slightly.

To apply the concealer, I take a very small amount from the pot and dot this onto the dark areas of my under-eye circles. I then blend this out with my ring finger and set this with my pressed powder to avoid creasing.

Overall, I really like this product and would definitely reccomend it! I hope this review was helpful and I will be back with a new post on Monday.

Bye for now,
Emily ♥

Monday, 11 August 2014

My Everyday Make-Up Routine

Long time, no see! It's been quite a while since I last posted on here, but I have decided that I am going to try a schedule as I think it will help me to keep up with posting regularly. But anyways for today's post I am going to let you in on my everyday make-up routine. I don't use all of this make-up everyday, but this is mainly my routine for week-ends and 'non-lazy' days in the holidays!

So, to start of with I use foundation and recently I have been using the Rimmel Match Perfection Foundation in shade 101 (classic ivory). I find that this foundation is great for the summer as it has SPF 18. To apply this is use my Real Techniques Expert Face Brush, which applies the foundation smoothly and evenly. I used to apply my concealer before my foundation, but I have recently found at that it should be done after foundation. This is because after using foundation, you will find that you don't actually need as much concealer as you may have thought. So for this look, I am just using the Benefit Erase Paste which is perfect for under-eye circles as it is a pink/peach shade which counteracts the purple shades underneath your eyes. It is also hydrating and very creamy and brightening to make me look more awake. Finally for my face I just set my foundation and concealer with my Maybelline Fit Me Pressed Powder in shade 125.

Next I am filling in my brows with this chocolate brown benefit eye shadow. As it is in a palette I am not sure which shade it is but it works really well to fill in my brows. To highlight my brow bone, I am just using this 'Eye Bright' by Benefit which is also from my 'Passport To Posh' Palette which I picked up on my way to France in Duty Free.

I am using my benefit cream eye shadow in R.S.V.P as a base. It is a champagne shade but has slight pink undertones. Next, I am taking a champagne shade called 'Bootycall' from my Naked 2 palette and putting this all over my lid. To define the crease I am using a matte brown called 'Tease' which is also from the Naked 2 palette. I am using the brush from my naked 2 palette for the eye shadow look today.

 Recently, I have been layering two mascaras which are The Rocket by Maybelline and Bad Gal Lash by Benefit. The eyeliner which I will be using is the Supercat pen liner by Soap and Glory. On first impressions I did not like this eyeliner at all but it has grown on me over time and I now find that it is very easy to apply, but does not last all day.

I am going for a super easy and natural lip look with my new baby lips in the shade 'Berry Bomb' but before this I am using my lush lip scrub to make sure my lips are in top condition.

I have added some pictures of the final look above. I hope you enjoyed this post and don't forget t follow me on Bloglovin'. I will be back with a new post on Saturday which will most likely be holiday related! 

Bye for now,
Emily ♥

Friday, 8 August 2014

Blog Schedule! - Mondays and Saturdays

Hi guys! Just a very short and quick post to say that my new schedule for my blog is going to be Mondays and Saturdays. Hope you are all having a great summer, and I will try to stick to the schedule as best as I can.

Bye for now,
Emily ♥

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Review - Rimmel Apocalips

I picked up two of the 'Rimmel Apocalips' a while back now, but I decided that I would post a review on them for you guys. So, the shades which I have are 102 (Nova) and 303 (Apocaliptic). I absolutely love the concept of this product, as each of the eight shades available are named on a 'space' theme.

 Top: Apocaliptic 303
Underneath: Nova 102

I had heard many good things about these lip lacquers and I have to admit, I was not disappointed at all! The consistency of the lacquers is very opaque and the staying power is fantastic, even when you have eaten or had something to drink. The applicator is just a normal doe-foot which works perfectly. In addition to this I think that the packaging looks very sleek and modern.

This is the lacquer in shade Nova. As you can see from the picture the pigmentation is fantastic. On the lips the product feels very lightweight and has a 'satin' finish. The shade is a very wearable light pink tone.

This shade is the more daring shade of the two and is called 'Apocaliptic'. I would describe it as a bright fuschia/raspberry pink. Again, it applies very smoothly and lasts well, although it needs the odd top-up throughout the day/evening. 

Overall, I like these products a lot. I would definitely purchase some of the other shades. 

You can pick up these from your local boots or superdrug for £6.49.

Thank you for reading. Feel free to follow me on bloglovin' or comment below if you enjoyed this post or have any questions.

Emily x

Friday, 30 May 2014

Easy Tutorial: Gradient Nail Art♥

Hi everyone! Today I have decided to write a post about how I do the gradient nails nail art. Many people have asked me how I have done my nails when I wear this nail art and I have received many compliments from it. Don't worry it is super easy, and I hope this post helps you to do this design.

Firstly you will need to gather all of your supplies, you will need:

As a base I will be using the lighter baby blue shade which is a 'Limited Collection' polish from Marks and Spencer's in the shade 'Ultra Violet'. I find this shade is beautiful for spring and summer as it is a light pastel colour. For the darker shade I will be using this Rimmel London Lasting Finish polish in shade 405 (Loafer love for you!) When I saw this shade in Boots I instantly fell in love. Finally, as a top coat I am using this Sally Hansen 'No Chip' polish, so that the design will last for longer.

You will also need some Q-Tips (cotton buds), a make-up sponge (which you can get relatively cheaply from the drugstore) and some nail polish remover to clear up any mistakes. I am using the Sally Hansen polish remover which has vitamin B5 and E to moisturises your nails to keep then healthy and strong.

So first off you will need to add two layers of your base polish to your nails so that your base is very opaque. You can use any colour you would like, but as you can see I chose blue. 

Next you will need to paint two stripes of nail polish onto your sponge (my sponge is slightly dirty from foundation... oops). You can do this with the normal application brush from your nail polish. Tip: make sure not to use too much polish as in the finished product the shades will not look as blended. 
Next you will need to dab the sponge onto the nail. It is very important that you align the stripes of nail polish on the sponge with you nail and the darker shade must be at the top. Dab very lightly and keep checking to see if you have the desired outcome. You may need to repeat this step if the gradient is not as strong as you would like.

When you have finished with the sponge your nails should look like the image above↑. Don't worry about the messy polish on the sides of your nail, as we are going to remove this later. ☺
So next, using your Q-Tip and nail polish remover, you can clear up the messy edges left over by the sponge.
Finally, (this is optional) I recommend that you use a topcoat to make sure your design lasts on your nails. Tip: Make sure to apply quite a lot of the topcoat so your design isn't smudged, and wait for a while before applying your topcoat.
Your final design should look similar to this. You may add glitter if you wish to give your design an extra bit of style.

Thank you very much for reading this post. If you enjoyed this post or found it helpful make sure to leave a comment below. Also, if you recreate this design make sure to send/post a picture on instagram my account is @abundleofemily. Make sure to follow me on bloglovin'

Bye for now,
Emily xo